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Bengaluru Astrology Summit 2022

  • 10th and 11th September 2022
  • ICAS

It was the treat of the feast of knowledge and comfort on the 10th and 11th of September during the Bengaluru Astrology Summit, 2022.

The two days were filled with lectures by stalwarts of Astrology: Hon. National President of ICAS Guruvar Prof A B Shuklaji, Hon. Sr National Vice President of ICAS Smt. Gayatri Devi Vasudev, Hon. Sr. National Vice President Pt. Satish Sharma, Hon. Sr. National Vice President Dr. Anjaneyulu M, Hon. National Vice President Sri Narasimha Alse, Hon. National Vice President Dr. Soumya Kumar and Hon. National Vice President Sri Anil Kaushal. They were ably supported by many young enthusiastic students of astrology with scintillating presentations.

Bengaluru Astrology Summitt 2022 started with the pleasant sounds of Vedaghosha by Sri Aravind, Sri H N Narasimha Prasad and Sri Venkatesh M all three alumni of Bengaluru chapter III. This was followed by an invocation through a beautiful Bharatanatyam performance by Kum. Dishita S. Her performance was dedicated to Bhagavan Ganapati and Devi Lalita.

This was followed by a welcome address by Sri Hitesh Sharma, Chairman, ICAS Bengaluru-3 chapter who welcomed on the dais Hon. National President (NP) Prof A B Shukla, Hon. Senior National Vice Presidents (SNVPs) Smt. Gayatri Devi Vasudev and Pt. Satish Sharma, Hon. National Vice Presidents (NVPs) Sri Narasimha Alse, Dr. Soumya Kumar, and Hon National Secretary (NS) Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar. This was followed by a welcome of all national office bearers and the ceremonial lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries on the dais.

The stage for jyotisha chintana was set by our NP Prof A B Shuklaji who gave his keynote address combined with a fresh perspective on Chandrashtama. Explaining the role of Acharya in a student's life, guruvar fondly reminisced about his association with Dr B V Raman on the auspicious occasion of his 111th birth year and the extent of our indebtedness to him. He unveiled the Father-Daughter Conversations book compiled by Smt. Gayatri Devi Vasudev. Shuklaji impressed upon the audience about the need to study the book which offers insights into brilliant predictions and conclusions of Dr Raman gracefully. He then explained why chandrashtama is considered Durgama kala and narrowed it down to its most sensitive period of Atidurgama kala. He held the audience spellbound by elaborating on the nature and extent of distress a person experiences depending on how many padas the vadha tara had in the 8th sign from the natal Moon in the natives chart.

SNVP Smt. Gayatri Devi Vasudevji demonstrated the need for application of mind and judgment while deciding whether yoga is gender neutral or gender specific, provoking us to ask, Are Yogas Gender Specific? She said that her experience has shown that even seemingly gender-specific yogas like visha kanya or vaidhavya yoga are not confined to female charts but show their effect in male charts too. Earlier she elaborated on the hoax of scientific spirit and half-baked attacks on astrology by so-called scientists and fondly remembered the contributions of Dr Raman.

Post lunch session began with a lecture by SNVP Pt. Satish Sharmaji, on the Zonation of Life Tendencies through Vastu Chakra. Based on his vast experience he gave useful hints about the effects of different padas and the deities of Vastu chakra.

NVP Sri Narasimha Alseji spoke on Insight of Nadi System in Predictive Astrology. He explained the basics of Nadi jyotisha and with examples showed how the transit of planets on sensitive points guides us in prediction.

Ayurveda forms the foundation for our understanding of diseases in jyotishya. The fundamental principles of tridoshas and trigunas can be fruitfully combined with the significations of planets and signs as shown by NVP Dr. Soumya Kumarji in his presentation on Manovikara: An Astro-Ayurvedic Perspective. He dealt with the causes of psychiatric problems and how it is indicated in horoscopes with examples.

NVP Sri Anil Kaushalji spoke on the astrological combinations that lead to gynaecological problems, especially on PCOS & PCOD: Astrological Approach to Gynaec Problems. He not only explained why PCOS/PCOD occurs but showed how astrology can help in identifying the problem by listing out the combinations and was ably assisted by Smt. Hatinderdeep Kaurji of the Chandigarh Chapter.

The last session of the day saw Sri Nitin Kashyapji of Delhi-6 Chapter presenting a scintillating lecture on Education and D24. Starting with how to see the promise of education in a chart, he demonstrated how D24 gives vital clues about prospects and lines of education.

This was followed by a Management Committee Meeting presided over by the Hon. NP Prof. AB Shukla. Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar, Hon. National Secretary presented operational matters of the organization were deliberated and decisions are taken during the Management Committee Meeting.

Day 2 : 11th September, 2022 Proceeds of Sunday started with the pleasant sounds of Vedaghosha by Sri Pramendra Chaturvediji, Chairman, Gwalior Chapter.

SNVP Dr. M Anjaneyuluji explained in simple terms the rationale of the calculation method adopted in Tajika Shastra. Also, he explained how the Tajika yogas work and then presented different scenarios of the results of yogas and doshas.

National Joint Secretary Sri D Muralidharji of Chennai presented a novel idea of Etiradai (Opposing) Nakshatra. Humorously he explained the results of planets in certain nakshatras can lead to problems on days having certain nakshatras and also spoke about the most distressing time.

This was followed by the Annual General-body Meeting of ICAS presided over by Hon. National President Prof A B Shuklaji. Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar presented his Annual Report he highlighted the milestones ICAS has reached during the year. Shri Pradeep Gowda, Hon. Treasurer presented Annual Financial statements for adoption. Shri Vishwanath Holla, Hon. Registrar presented the report of COE during the AGM.

A video on life events and achievements of the founder President of ICAS Dr. B.V.Raman was screened.

During the Post-lunch sessions, Smt. Shashiraj Mehtaji, Chairperson, Secundrabad-6 Chapter showed her attempts to relate Sadesati with Vipareeta Raja Yoga in her presentation on New Dimensions of Vipreet Raj Yoga through many example charts.

The last technical session of the Summit was a presentation by Dr. TV Srinivas Sharmaji of Bengaluru-3. It was a demonstration of how to utilise Prashna to identify diseases that cant be explained through the medical field. Agantuka Roga helps us to identify the karma responsible for the disease one suffers but also shows the remedy, he said and presented a few of his experiences.

The Valedictory Address was given by SNVP Smt. Gayatri Devi Vasudevji. She emphasised the qualifications and duties of an astrologer peppered with many anecdotes from her interaction with her great-father and her own consultations. Her sagely words to the students of astrology covered advice, caution and admonition to remember the need for Purusha prayatna to achieve success and not to become fatalistic in one's approach to life.

The Summit was wrapped up by Sri Keshav Kaushik, Secretary, Bengaluru-1 who proposed a vote of thanks. The entire two-day event was beautifully compered by Dr. (Smt.) Sri Srivatsa, Chairperson, Bengaluru-2 Chapter.

This very successful Summit organized jointly by all four chapters of Bengaluru demonstrated the coordination and cooperation between the chairpersons Sri Swaminathan, Dr. (Smt) Sri Srivatsa, Sri Hitesh Sharma, Sri Shivayogi P and their teams and the guidance provided by SNVP Smt. Gayatri Devi Vasudev, NVP Sri Narasimha Alse, National Secretary Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar, National Treasurer Sri Pradeep Y and Registrar of Examinations Sri Vishwanatha Holla. Excellent arrangements coupled with friendliness made it a wholesome experience for all the delegates.

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Guruvandana Program 2021

  • 21st March 2021
  • ICAS

The outgoing students of the 2018 Jyotish Visharada batch of the Bengaluru Chapter III of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) organised a Guruvandana program on Sunday, March 21, 2021 at the Samskriti Bharati auditorium, "Aksharam", Girinagar, Bengaluru.

It was undoubtedly a historic day coinciding with the Vernal Equinox when both hemispheres of the earth are equally lit up, the weekday also being ruled by the Sun, with the date 21-3-2021 totalling 9 probably representing the Navagrahas which form the content of Jyotisha.

Following the invocation and lighting of the traditional lamp, tributes were paid to the late Dr. T.S. Vasan. Special invitees Mrs. Vasan and family were honored on the occasion.

Earlier, Chapter Secretary Mr.K.Raghavendra welcomed the gathering. National Secretary ICAS Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar recalled the services of Dr. Vasan to the ICAS dwelling at length on his various achievements. Dr. Vasan's son Mr.Raghavan, spoke about the forts of his father to promote astrology and his own experiences under his tutelage.

Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev, Senior National Vice President, highlighted the importance of Muhurtha citing relevant examples from the Mahabharata.She also reiterated the need for certain basic qualifications one needed to have as an astrologer. She bemoaned the fact that astrology was often equated with superstition which misconception, it behoved on the astrology community, to strongly dispel and establish its credentials as a subject of serious study and science of consequence. Mr. Satyanarayana Bhat, National Secretary, Samskriti Bharati, speaking in chaste but simple Sanskrit, emphasised the need for learning Sanskrit to understand and appreciate the original Sanskrit texts rather than confling one's study to translations. He said Samskrita Bharathi was ready to conduct special classes for ICAS Students in this regard.

Mr. Narasimha Alse spoke on the connection between Jyotisha and Upanishads by highlighting the importance of Jyotisha as a Vedanga. He reaffirmed Dr.Raman's vision for astrology and the evolution of ICAS as an organisation since 1984. The programme, planned and executed by the outgoing students of Visharada under the guidance of Chapter Chairman Mr. Vishwanath Holla, saw the teachers being felicitated.

Faculty members Mr. Somanath M.R, Mr. Hitesh Sharma, Mr. Vishwanath Holla, Mr. Vasudev Adiga and Mr. Likhith Adiga and the outgoing students exchanged views on their experience in the ICAS classes and their journey through Jyotisha which had led them to the conviction that spirituality was in-built in astrology and their outlook on life had changed significantly towards the enrichment of their life which led them to pledge to spread this divine knowledge.

Mr. Raghunandan Sharma proposed a vote of thanks. The interesting programme was rendered more lively by Capt. Ramakrishnan's able compering, interspersed with interesting sidelights on astrology.

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National Conference at Bengaluru

  • 15th, 16th February 2020
  • ICAS

108th Birth anniversary of Dr.B.V.Raman

The Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) celebrated the 108th Birth Anniversary of its Founder President Dr. B. V. Raman with a national conference on astrology on February 15-16, 2020 at Gandhi Bhavan, Kumara Park, Bangalore. The year-long celebrations were fittingly flagged off from Bangalore, the city where Dr. Raman had lived and worked for astrology with all three Bangalore Chapters of ICAS jointly hosting the event.

The proceedings began with the lighting of the traditional lamp by the dignitaries after which the National President Mr. A.B.Shukla, IAS (Retd.) addressed the gathering briefly before making way for the chief guest Mr. Parimal Rai, I.A.S., Chief Secretary, Government of Goa, to take over.

Recalling Dr. Raman's contribution to the growth and spread of Jyotisha across the world, Mr. Rai said he had, by addressing the United Nations on astrology, taken the science to new heights and it was important to keep his legacy alive. He referred to several instances of correct forecasts in his own experience which proved the importance of Jyotisha as a scientific subject.

He lauded the ICAS and its functionaries under the stewardship of Mr.Shukla as also Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev for continuing the great soul's legacy. Peppered with humorous anecdotes related to Jyotisha, the chief guest's address was well received by the 250 plus audience comprising of the ICAS office-bearers, National Secretary Mr.Gopalkrishna Vadlanmani, Chapter Chairpersons and Chairmen, faculty and students from across the country as also invitees.

The guest of honor Mr. D.N. Munikrishna I.P.S. (retd) and former Vigilance Director, Karnataka Lokayukta recalled his long association with Dr. Raman and how it had greatly helped him understand the importance of astrological wisdom. Quoting profusely from scriptural works as also western thinkers, Mr. Munikrishna stressed the importance of humility in astrological practice.

Mr. A.B.Shukla presented the Jyotish Samvardhak Award to Mr. Parimal Rai and the Dr. B.V. Raman Swarna Saman, the highest award of the ICAS, to MODERN ASTROLOGY Editor and ICAS National Vice President Gayatri Devi Vasudev and Dr. T.S. Vasan (National Vice President) for their contribution to the cause of Jyotisha. The Nadi Bhanu awards went to Dr. T.S. Vasan and National Vice President Mr. Narashimha Alse.

Earlier, the day's proceedings began with Vedaghosha by traditional priests followed by a mellifluous rendering of the invocation by Ms. Roopa and Ms. Rekha.

National Vice Presidents Mr. Satish Sharma and Mr. J. Jeyaram were conferred the Vastu Bhanu and Nadi Brihadacharya titles respectively.

Others who were honored in the inaugural session were Mysore Chapter Chairman Dr. Soumya Kumar (Nadi Brihadacharya), and Mr. Keshav Kowshik of Bangalore Chapter I and Mr. R. Swaminathan of Bangalore Chapter II, both with Jyotish Vachaspati. Bangalore Chapter I Faculty members Mr. Pradeep Gowda and Mr. Praveen Nagraja Rao and Bangalore Chapter III Faculty Mr. M.R. Somnath have conferred the Jyotish Kovid titles.

The technical session took off with National President Mr. A.B. Shukla speaking on Suryamsa and the Hidden Message of Hiranyagarbha where hitherto unknown facets of the Dwadasamsa chart were presented. Sharing the results of his research work with the gathering Mr. Shukla opened up new vistas of exploration in astrological concepts.

Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev recalled the many facets of Dr. Raman's work in astrology and how he strove to present it as an academic science that could be studied by all much in the same way as one studied physics and chemistry in her address Dr. Raman and Mundane Astrology - A Daughter Speaks. She pointed out that though Dr. Raman was known for his brilliant predictions, the more important part of his lifelong efforts was the demystification of Jyotisha.

A beautifully presented video of Dr. Raman's life and work by the Bangalore Chapter I Faculty Mr. Raghavendra and Chapter III Chairman Mr. Viswanatha Holla and imaginatively conceived by ICAS student Mr. Vaidek drew huge applause from the audience with nostalgic memories of the great savant being revived in many of the senior attendees.

Dr. T.S. Vasan, in his presentation Analysis of Horoscopes - Multiple Techniques emphasized the use of different factors such as dispositors, fructification of Bhavas through transits, Bhavadhiyogas, Mahapurusha Yogas and Ashtakavarga in understanding horoscopes.

Mr. J. Jeyaram, who played a major role in the organizing of the two-day event, drew much appreciation from the attendees for his highly technical paper Secrets of Shadbalas which covered the different kinds of strengths of planets and the logic behind them, the predictive use of total Shadbalas, their rank and the use of individual Shadbala strengths.

Mr. Narasimha Alse who was the main spirit behind the excellent conduct of the event assisted by his team from all three Chapters in Bangalore demonstrated case studies of famous personalities using Nadi techniques in his presentation Essential Clues of Nadi in Mundane Astrology.

Mr. K. Rangachari, National Vice President, speaking on Trigunas and Industrialists referring to universal qualities that defined one's character demonstrated how the Trigunas could help in prediction.

Bangalore Chapter I Chairman Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar led the audience through a journey of Dr. Raman's interest and experiences in the study of Nadi Astrology in his video presentation Nadi Astrology and Dr. B.V. Raman.

The proceedings were ably compeered on both days by the Chapter II Chairperson Dr. See Srivatsa who effortlessly interspersed her commentary with brilliant Sanskrit quotes.

The second day's proceedings began with Ms. Gayatri Devi Vasudev's Basic Tips in Mundane Astrology taking off from the previous day's lecture. Enumerating the basic data needed for mundane forecasts, she illustrated her findings with the horoscopes of Mahatma Gandhi and Rajeev Gandhi emphasizing the role of the transits of malefics in their assassinations. She also identified factors that had led to Covid 19.

Mr. Shukla focused on Jupiter where he presented the genesis of the concept of this giant planet in his presentation A Prismatic Vision of Brihaspati. He outlined the importance of both the scriptural preceptors Deva Guru Jupiter and Daitya Guru Venus and how their exaltation and debilitation positions had led to the concept of Pushkara Navamsa.

Justice S. N. Kapoor (Retd), former National President, ICAS, dealt in detail with the topics Nakshatras Cosmic Light Beams & Dr. Raman's Advice to Astrologers where he categorized the Nakshatras as Raja Yogakarakas, Dhana Yogakarakas, Career Pushing, Inauspicious, Daruna, Ugra and Maha Nakshatras detailing out the results attributable to each.

Guest speaker Dr. H.K. Jayalakshmi, the medical doctor and scientist, gave a scintillating discourse on Astrology and Music Therapy in which she explained the different ragas with reference to the Navagrahas demonstrating the ragas as she rendered them one by one before moving on to their influence on the hormones in the body.

Mr. Satish Sharma speaking on Astrology and Vastu outlined the planning of buildings in accordance with Vastu principles. National Vice President Mr. Pradeep Chaturvedi in his presentation Role of Badhakesh in Life elaborated on the definition of Badhaka and its impact on the native.

Mr. Vishwanath Holla, who also played a major role in the organizing of the event, presented a collection of select questions and answers from Dr. Raman's writings in his paper Astro-snippets from the Works of Dr. B. V. Raman.

Bangalore Chapter I Faculty Pradeep Gowda's Astrological Diagnosis of Diseases Through D-27 proved to be an intellectual treat with his focus on medical conditions as identifiable from both the D-27 and D-3 charts.

The next speaker Bangalore Chapter Faculty Hitesh Sharma, from the lineage of the great 11th-century astrologer cum astronomer Bhaskaracharya, proved how astrology runs in his blood with an excellent presentation Applying Tajik Shastra in Natal Horoscopy - An Exploration wherein explained in depth the Hillaja and Khattakuta concepts used in the classical work Karmaprakasha demonstrating its efficacy in the charts of Mahatma Gandhi and Donald Trump.

Bangalore Chapter II Faculty Mr. Varanasi Seshadri speaking on Mandi - Is it a Favorable Planet? brought in new insights on this Upagraha as being favorable when normally it was deemed to be inauspicious. He also shared his experiences of omens in understanding trends that were yet to unfold with illustrations from the Srimad Ramayana.

Due credit must go to Mr. Samit, Faculty, Bangalore Chapter II, for the excellent floral and stage decorations on both days.

The event came to a close with Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev delivering the valedictory address in which she briefly ran through the presentations made on both days.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Hitesh Sharma.

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ICAS takes Astrology courses to Temple town Udupi

  • 23rd December 2018
  • ICAS

The Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) founded by Dr. B.V.Raman spread its wings to the holy town of Udupi, famous for its Lord Krishna temple, on December 23, 2018, with its Centre being inaugurated by the ICAS National President Mr. A.B.Shukla as a result of the relentless efforts of the ICAS National Vice President Mr. A. Narasimha Alse who also has two Chapters at ICAS Bangalore to his credit. The function took place at Sri the Madhva Mantapa in the premises of the Lord Krishna temple.

His Holiness Sri Vidhyadeesha Theertha Swamyji, Paryaya Phalimaru Mutt of the Ashta Mutts of this temple town, delivering the benedictory address pointed out the importance of astrology with special reference to Muhurta citing an example from the Srimad Ramayana of Sita being rescued as she had been abducted in the Vindu Muhurta. Astrology helped in showing the path to success said His Holiness and hinted that the inauguration taking place in the auspicious lunar month of Margasira, the Centre was bound to flourish. His Holiness also released Jyothirvinana Kaipidi, a ready reference book in Kannada for ICAS Jyotish Praveena students, authored by Sri C.R. Narasimhaswamy, on the occasion.

Mr.A.B. Shukla, in his inaugural address, pointed out that Dr.Raman had wanted to present astrology as an academic subject and in order to do this, he founded the ICAS in 1984. Dr. Raman's vision for astrology was not limited to just worldly matters but also extended beyond to natural calamities and national and international developments and towards this end, a syllabus was drawn up for a two tier course - Jyotisha Praveena and Jyotisha Visharada --to propagate the subject properly. Speaking on the content of Jyotisha in India's scriptural lore, Mr. Shukla highlighted the importance of the concept of the Central Planet of Previous Life [CPPL] referring to the Srimad Ramayana where Lord Rama alludes to it when he decides to wage war against Ravana. Principles of Jyotisha could be found in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita too where the expression Avyktaani Bhutani threw light on the special aspect of Jupiter.

Similarly, why only five planets could turn retrograde could also be understood from this sacred song. Mr. Shukla presented the Hindi version of his book Event Time Prediction containing his lectures compiled by Mr. Ashish Sharma to His Holiness.

Dr. Sree Srivatsa, Chairperson, ICA.S Bangalore Chapter II welcomed the gathering and also anchored the day's proceedings. The ICAS National Secretary Gopalakrishna Vadlamani, speaking on the occasion expressed his appreciation on the opening of the Centre.

Earlier, the proceedings commenced with a prayer by Ms. Shreya and Vedhaghosha rendered by the Udupi Mutt students. Mr. Narasimha Alse gave a preview of the efforts that led to the starting of the Centre and the activities it would conduct. The efforts of Mr. Vishwanatha Holla, Secretary, Bangalore III Chapter and Mr. Mahesh Kumar, Convener, Udupi Centre were, in particular, greatly appreciated. Initially Mr.Subramanya of the Shimoga Chapter would be assisting the Udupi Centre in running the classes.

Special invitees Dr. Lakshmi Narayana Bhat, Principal, Sanskrita Vidyalaya, Udupi and Sri Balaji Raghavendra Acharya, Sri Govardhana Giri Pratishtana, Neelavara, appreciated the ICAS approach to bring astrology systematically to the holy town. Though Jyotisha was being taught along with other subjects like Vyakarana and Vedanta in the Universities, pointed out the special invitees, the ICAS must be credited for reaching out to the common people and offering to take them through a systematic well structured syllabus covering the subject in its entirety in its courses. Knowledge of Sanskrit, though not mandatory for the study of astrology, was desirable said the scholars.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Mahesh Kumar, Center Coordinator of the Udupi Chapter.

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Dr.B.V.Raman Jayanti - 2018

  • 15th August 2018
  • ICAS

Raman Jayanti was celebrated on August 15, 2018 by the Banglore Chapters of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) at the Dasashrama, Rajajinagar, Bangalore to commemorate the birth of the Father of Modern Astrology and ICAS Founder Dr.B.V.Raman.

The day-long programme jointly organized by the three Bangalore Chapters saw touching tributes being paid to Dr.Raman and a lively exchange of interesting ideas by the Faculty members. Four of the National Vice Presidents Dr. T.S. Vasan, MODERN ASTROLOGY Editor Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev, Mr. Narasimha Alse and Mr.J.Jeyaram also participated in the proceedings apart from the students, faculty members and functionaries of the three Chapters.

The unassuming Mr. Swaminathan, Chapter I Secretary played a major role in organizing the day's meeting.

The three sessions were chaired respectively by Chapter I Chairman Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar, Chapter II Chairperson Dr.Sree Srivatsa and Chapter III Chairman Mr.Rajendra Krishna murthy.

Dr. T. S. Vasan recalled his association with Dr. B. V. Raman and pointed out how he had striven hard to bring Jyotisha to a learning level by writing books on different aspects of the vast subject. He impressed upon the audience Dr. Raman's outstanding quality of humility and how he used to support and nurture the talent of people around him. He cited the incident of an Andhra astrologer who had invited Dr. Raman to speak at a conference he had organized at Bangalore but did not have the minimal courtesy to invite him to the dais, his only intention being to humiliate Dr.Raman. However, once Dr. Raman's address was over, there was thunderous applause from the audience with the dignitaries on the dais remarking "We are sitting on the dais but Dr. Raman through his knowledge is sitting in the hearts of people" which was testimony to Dr. Raman's noble personality and scholarship.

It was Dr. Raman who took Vedic astrology beyond the shores of our country and was instrumental in founding the American Council of Vedic Astrology in the United States of America, said Dr. Vasan. Though Dr. Raman was famous for his mundane forecasts, he was equally adept at various predictive techniques which he had generously shared with his readers in his books. The best way to honor his memory, said Dr. Vasan, was for the ICAS students to give something back to the subject through their research and reinvention of techniques.

Recalling several childhood instances in the life of Dr.Raman, Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev who continues the legacy of her illustrious father, said his study of astrology had begun in his 8th year itself by memorizing Slokas from Jataka Chandrika after which he, under the tutelage of his grandfather Prof. B.Suryanarain Rao, had begun the study of Brihat Jataka. Throughout his life he had remained humble and had held no rancor against even those who had tried to humiliate him.

Earlier, the function got off to a splendid start with the soulful rendering of the invocation by Visharada - I student Mrs. Sri Lalita after which Mr. Rajendra Krishnamurthy welcomed the guests and participants. Faculty member Mr. Pradeep Gowda compered the programme ably.

Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev made a PowerPoint presentation "Dasamsa Cluses" in which she spelt out the importance of the Dasamsa in judging important events in one's vocational life where the Rasi chart did not give indications.

Though the Rasi chart, as its name implies, carried a heap of information, finer points could be seen only through the respective Divisional charts. She explained with the help of apt illustrations how the running Das and Bhukti through the disposition of their lords in the Dasamsa could be interpreted to time significant changes in one's career. She also briefly touched on the mutual periods of Saturn and Venus as given in Uttarakalamrita.

Chapter I Chairman Dr. Revathi Vee Kumar presented a slide show depicting the events in the life of Dr. B.V. Raman, the innumerable accolades he had received and his accomplishments which had a global reach putting astrology on the world map which left the freshers to the ICAS courses amazed at the magnitude of his achievements. A spontaneous standing ovation was given by the gathering to the doyen of modern astrology as a token of respect and gratitude for the immensity of his labour and work for the cause of astrology and which was accepted by Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev.

Chapter II faculty Mr. V Sheshadri speaking on " Predictions based on Event Time" dealt with Sakuna and Nimitta as forcialeis of events to come and drawing from the Srimad Ramayana, connected the breaking of the Shiva Dhanus by Lord Rama at the Swayamvara of Sita as a bad omen with happiness eluding the divine couple later on. The appearance of the angry sage Parashurama immediately after the marriage was also a clue to the unhappiness that was to follow in their lives. He also gave examples of how daily life events such as traffic signals etc., could be interpreted in handling horary questions.

The afternoon session saw Mr. Narasimha Alse speak on "Spiritual Value of Vedic Astrology" wherein he dealt with the soul's evolution and its being identified in three steps - physical, emotional and spiritual through planetary factors. The four Purusharthas and the three Gunas combined with the three stages of evolution could give one an insight into what type of a horoscope was before one with specific reference to the charts of Bhagavatpada Sri Adi Shankara and Paramahansa Yogananda.

Dr. Raman's horoscope was also analysed in depth to explain the Karma Yogi concept. Chapter I senior faculty Mr. Keshav Kowshik coming up with the new idea of correlating the Dasavatars of Lord Vishnu with Nama Nakshatras opened up a whole new angle to the topic, hitherto unexplored. Taking the Nakshatra for the first syllable of the name of the Avatar could give its Rasi and Navamsa positions. The relationship between the Rasi and Navamsa signs could describe the Avatar as also the purpose of Its Descent on earth, explained Mr. Kowshik before proceeding to take up each of the Avatars and applying his concept to it with remarkable results.

Mr. Samit Krishna, faculty member of Chapter Il ,presented his findings on Dasa and Transit interpretation wherein he highlighted the relationship between the Dasa lord's natal position and its transit position in coming to conclusions.

National Vice President Mr.J. Jeyaram in his presentation "Astrological Determination of Wealth" explained the factors relating to assessing finances through Houses, Karakas, Yogas, Hora chart, Ashtakavarga and Jamini principles and how one could also time the acquisition of wealth. He also touched on the Labha Manduka Hora chart, Indu Lagna and the analysis of the Savashtakavarga bindus in judging financial matters referring to the late C.S.Patel's work in Ashtakavarga.

Chapter I faculty Mr. Pradeep Gowda came out with a brilliant presentation "Interpretation of D-16 Charts" wherein, he pointed out that the Kalamsa which signifies moveable assets and happiness as also their destruction could be interpreted through the lordships of the Shodasamsa and the deities associated with them.

Brahma and Vishnu, symbolizing creative and sustaining processes, could give happiness whereas Maheshwara and Aditya, symbolic of destruction, could show the sorrow awaiting one on account of these significations. Illustrating his findings with the charts of celebrities and economic defaulters Mr. Pradeep successfully showed how their fortunes escalated based on the deities associated with their Shodasamsas.

The Jayanti celebrations ended with Dr. Sree Srivatsa, Chapter II Chairperson, proposing a vote of thanks.

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Guru Pournima Felicitation

  • 29th July, 2011
  • ICAS

Bangalore Chapters I, II, and III of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) jointly celebrated Guru Pournima with a programme "Jyotirmayi" on Sunday, July 29, 2018, at Samskrita Bharati, Aksharam, Girinagar, Bangalore. The highlight of the day was, very aptly, the felicitating of the Faculty members of all three Chapters for their voluntary and dedicated service to the ICAS and as an expression of gratitude for their sharing of their knowledge of Jyotisha with the ICAS students.

Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev, Editor, MODERN ASTROLOGY and National Vice President, ICAS addressing the gathering on "Astrology-The New Millennium Science" described Jyotisha as the science of time and as being ancient India's unique discovery. It was a pity, bemoaned Mrs.Gayatri Devi Vasudev, that there was so much ignorance surrounding this ancient science.

It was also pathetic that modern science had not even thought it fit to understand the quality of time that astrology alone could. She illustrated the concept of the quality of time with the planetary alignments on January 26, 2000 when a devastating earthquake struck Bhuj in Gujarat and on September 11, 2001, when terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York destroyed the myth of American invincibility.

Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev emphasised the contribution of the ICAS Founder Dr. B.V.Raman to the growth and development of astrology in the 20th century and his untiring efforts to present it as an academic subject which had resulted in creating greater respect for this ancient discipline not only in our country but also across the globe.

She highlighted the achievements of ancient Indian astronomers who were also the discoverers of Jyotisha and therefore, it was a matter of importance to approach astrology with an open mind and not dismiss it as superstition. She also explained some of the astrological terms and the inadequacy of their English equivalents to convey their import in full.

Earlier, the programme commenced with lighting the traditional lamp followed by Bangalore Chapter I Chairman Mr.Revati Vee Kumar welcoming the gathering who pointed out at the same time, the solidarity in the astrology community as evident from the three Chapters coming together for the first time.

Faculty members felicitated on the occasion were given appreciation letters and included Messes Swaminathan R., Pramesh C.V., Keshava Kowshik, B.R. Pradeep Gowda, H.N. Shesha Kumar, S. Diwakar, Praveen Nagaraj Rao, Raghavendra T. K., Tiru Balaji Deva Ayyangaru, Smt.Hemavati T. Smt. Tanuja S. K. and Smt. Jayanti A. S. (of Chapter I), Messrs Sheshadri V., Samit Krishna, Ganapathy V. Umesh Mehandale, Dinesh and Smt. Megha Umesh (of Chapter II), Messrs Rajendra Krishnamurthy, Hitesh Sharma, Srinivas T. V, Vishwanatha Holla, Srikanth,N. N. Murthy, Keshav Prasad, Sai Prasad, Chandra shekar, Vasudev Rao, Narasimha Swamy and Smt. Sundanda Upadhyaya of Chapter III.

Mr. Narasimha Alse, National Vice President, ICAS, speaking on "The Mystery of Astrology" dealt in detail with the Doctrine of Karma which was the basis of astrology explaining in detail what he called the Basic Potential Rating Concept, a simplified approach to assess the strength of any horoscope. This method pointed out Mr. Alse, could be used in making predictions by combining the strength of any Bhava with that of the 11th and 12th Bhavas.

Dr: T.S. Vasan, Hon National Vice President, ICAS, in his power-point presentation "Simple Techniques in Marriage Matching" discussed the negative and positive points needed for matching charts for marriage as also factors which showed impotency and fecundity. Explaining in some detail Kuja Dosha, Visha Kanya Yogas, and exceptions to Kuja Dosha as also balancing factors for this Dosha, he moved on to a treatment of longevity assessment. Dr. Vasan stressed the need for research on planetary factors in topics such as test-tube babies, homosexuality and genetic engineering.

Dr. Sree Srivatsa, Chairperson, Bangalore Chapter II compered the proceedings ably. The meeting ended with Mr. Rajendra Krishnamurthy, Chairman, Bangalore Chapter III offering a vote of thanks.

Later, a separate session for the students of Visharada and Post Visharada courses with questions and answers was held with inputs from the panel comprising the three National Vice Presidents on research programmes which could work as a roadmap for working on Jyothish Bhushan projects.

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Discussion on Mundane Astrology

  • 24th September 2017
  • ICAS

An Interactive session on Mundane Astrology was organised at "Aksharam", Sanskrit Bharati. Hon. National Vice President, A. Narasimha Alse presented his thoughts on predictive Mundane Events. He touched upon the following aspects of Mundane Astrology.

  • Predicting Rain Falls
  • Predicting Political event

He shared his experience of predicting the general election results of different states of India and the Lok Sabha elections. He emphasised the importance of charts of state formation, charts of the political party and political personalities in predicting the results. He also outlined the factors that give unexpected outcomes of results in the elections. The chapter chairman Shri Rajendra K and Vice Chapter Chairman Shri Hitesh Sharma were present along with the speaker during the session.

The programme was concluded with a vote of thanks by Secretary Shri Vishwanath Holla. The session was well attended by students and faculty members of the chapter.